Throbbing Brutal Sadist
CV : Mayumi Saco
Like Mature, Vice was once one of the Hakkesshu—loyal followers who sought to revive the dreaded Orochi. Her frail stature masks a decidedly violent ruthlessness, which comes to the fore in the way she fights: unbridled strength and brutal throws. Vice is intrigued by Iori Yagami, who carries Orochi blood in his veins.
- Fighting style /
- The power of Orochi (mainly brute force)
- Birthdate /
- November 28
- Birthplace /
- Unknown
- Blood type /
- Type A
- Favorite food /
- Japanese plums

Congrats on joining the tournament!
Yeah, yeah. Just give me the questions already.
Oh, of course. You're here by special invitation this time around. How do you feel about that?
They call me, I answer. Pretty simple. There's a bunch of things I want to see through as well.
Imagine teaming with any of the fighters in this tournament. Who makes the cut?
Uh, I guess if I had to anyone would do. I'd rather not though.
What about the other end of the spectrum? Who are you most looking forward to facing?
Doesn't matter who my opponent is. I'll crush them all the same.
Speaking of crushing, there's quite a few skilled grapplers present. What do you think about them?
What's there to think about? I'm more than just a grappler, y'know. I'm a fighter through and through.
How's your relationship with Iori Yagami? You two team up often.
I'm interested to see how his story ends. Guess you could say I'm an observer.
He's joined up with Kyo Kusanagi and Chizuru Kagura this time around. Any thoughts there?
The guy can do as he pleases. What I want to see is whether he'll defy his destiny—or drown in it completely.
How's your relationship with Mature?
We do the same work, have the same goals. So whatever relationship you'd call that.
Do you have any pent-up feelings towards her?
She's always so quick to pull the "wise senior" card... Heh. Like there's even any difference.
Any views on fighters like Nakoruru, who are one with nature?
Hey, no complaints here. Then again, getting TOO cozy with humanity is never a good thing...
What about Leona? What do you think of her?
Heh. She tries to cover up her true self, but it's so half-hearted.
Let's move on to your professional life. You worked as a secretary in the past. Did you enjoy it?
Wasn't a drag or anything. I'm just not cut out to be at some big shot's beck and call, that's all.
Do you ever feel like working there again?
If the playing field was even, I'd at least consider it.
Short hair really suits you, but have you ever considered growing it out?
Taking care of hair like Mature's seems like a pain. I'm good with keeping it short.
It seems you take care of yourself in other ways. How often do you hit the bench press in a day?
Hey, I'm not a gym rat or anything. Sure, I could easily lift you—anybody, really—and throw you about the place... But that's different, okay?
Fair enough. What about other physical activities? What's your favorite?
I like swimming. The feeling of freeing yourself from restrictions is great.
Word is you're also a fan of comics. What's your favorite type?
Oh, it's gotta be the funny animal ones. Y'know, with a whole lot of dark overtones. They're pretty neat, don't you think?
Have you ever gone to a comic book covention?
I have. But the crowds were so bad I couldn't do much.
Do you ever tell Mature about your hobbies?
If Mature ever had time to read comics she'd probably rather mess with her nails.
We received a ton of questions for you this time around. Is there anything you want to say to your fans, who've been waiting for your return for so long?
Heh. Good way to kill time, I guess.